(6763) NAACP, Panorama, 17th Annual Conference, 1926

Panoramic group picture of NAACP 17th annual conference participants in front of stone church building. Building is rough-surfaced stone with wide shallow arch over entrance and stained glass windows. Inscribed over entrance: “Open for me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them to praise the Lord.” Sign in arched entrance window reads: “Welcome N.A.A.C.P.” Banner on wall reads: “17th annual conference. H[?]” (largely hidden by participants.) Conference participants include Carrie B. Overton, James Weldon Johnson, M.W. Ovington, and Walter White.

Courtesy of the Carrie B. Overton Collection

(6763) NAACP, Panorama, 17th Annual Conference, 1926
Woodard Studio, Chicago