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The Great Grape Boycott


Long an advocate of non-violence, Chavez developed a new strategy and brought a bold, new dimension to the struggle against the grape growers. In July 1968, he launched the Great Grape Boycott, a nation-wide boycott against table grapes. Boycott offices were established in most major American cities and the Great Grape Boycott gained international recognition. Soon, many consumers around the nation supported the boycott and stopped purchasing table grapes. Prominent American union leaders, statesmen and celebrities also lent their names and support to the boycott. Walter Reuther and the UAW placed its considerable clout behind Chavez and the boycott. In 1970, the UFWOC signed its first contract with a major grape grower, the Giumarra Corporation.

  • Flyer from the Farm Worker's Collection

  • Flyer from the Farm Worker's Collection

  • Click on cookbook to read some recipes

Exhibit Curator: Kathleen Schmeling
Direct reference questions to William LeFevre
Webmaster: Paul Neirink