Ever since its formation, Detroit has had a long and distinguished history. This history has been significantly affected by the continuous efforts its ethic communities, which call metro Detroit home. The Reuther houses an extensive array of images that capture this region's diversity of culture.
Curator: Elizabeth Clemens and Paul S. Neirink
Photos courtesy of multiple collections
There are 334 images in this gallery
Last updated: Fri, 08/14/2015 - 10:18
Anthony “Tony” Spina (1914 -1995) served as Chief Photographer for the Detroit Free Press from 1952 until his retirement in 1989 and worked locally, nationally, and internationally to photograph the pivotal events and the people who shaped the latter half of the twentieth century. Widely regarded as one of the finest photojournalists of his time, Spina was the recipient of over 450 state, national, and international awards for his photography, including the Sprague Memorial Award from the National Press Photographers Association and a shared Pulitzer Prize awarded to the Free Press for its coverage of the Detroit Riots of 1967.
Curator: Elizabeth Clemens
Photos courtesy of the Tony Spina Collection
There are 762 images in this gallery
Last updated: Thu, 07/08/2010 - 10:05
This gallery features the earliest known works of Edward "Bucky" Stanton (1914-2006), a Detroit-born photographer who captured images of Detroit's Black Bottom neighborhood during the final years of the Great Depression. Stanton's focus was primarily on portraiture, and this gallery contains dozens of candid shots of children at play, as well as views of the everyday happenings around their neighborhood.
Curator: Elizabeth Clemens
Photos courtesy of Edward Stanton
There are 55 images in this gallery
Last updated: Fri, 11/03/2017 - 14:54
Photographs taken as part of series on the historically Black neighborhoods that were dismantled during the Detroit Medical Center construction clearances, downtown, and Greektown.
Curator: Elizabeth Clemens
There are 90 images in this gallery
Last updated: Wed, 11/13/2013 - 15:26
Bruce Harkness photographed the area known as “Poletown,” a multi-ethnic, multi-racial urban area on Detroit’s East Side, from February to December 1981. These photographs document the hundreds of buildings and businesses that were demolished to make way for the construction of a General Motors assembly plant. In addition, Harkess captured vibrant urban exteriors and interiors, neighborhood landmarks, residents, and street scenes.
Curator: Elizabeth Clemens
There are 198 images in this gallery
Last updated: Fri, 07/05/2019 - 14:27
Photographs documenting Detroit's Civil Unrest and its aftermath, taken primarily from the collections of the Detroit News, Tony Spina, Rudy Simons, Ian Kushnir, and Carl Almblad.
Curator: Elizabeth Clemens
There are 215 images in this gallery
Last updated: Sat, 05/06/2017 - 09:29
The photographs in this gallery highlight twentieth-century civil rights activism and the struggle for equality in the United States. Important topics include: The "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom"; The "Poor People's Campaign"; The "Meredith March Against Fear"; The Detroit "March to Freedom"; The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC); Housing Discrimination; Martin Luther King, Jr.; and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Curator: Elizabeth Clemens
There are 128 images in this gallery
Last updated: Wed, 03/08/2017 - 13:51
The papers of Mr. Cavanagh, mayor of Detroit from 1962 to 1970. They include correspondence, reports, studies, speeches, minutes, and other materials of the mayor's office and commissions and departments of the city. Its extent is approximately 334.5 linear feet.
Curator: Elizabeth Clemens and Gavin Strassel
There are 114 images in this gallery
Last updated: Wed, 02/07/2018 - 13:46
The Merrill-Palmer Institute was founded in 1920 by an endowment from Lizzie Merrill Palmer. Throughout its 61 years of independent operation, the Institute was greatly respected and internationally known as one of the top institutions for education, training and research in Child Development. Merrill-Palmer staff conducted and published studies on families and children, operated a nursery school, children’s camps and clubs, offered marriage and family counseling, and performed community service work. The Institute accepted undergraduate and graduate students from the U. S. and internationally and taught courses and provided research and laboratory experience unavailable elsewhere.
There are 38 images in this gallery
Last updated: Tue, 10/29/2013 - 13:33
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. Established on February 9, 1909, its objective was to help African-American citizens gain equal political, legal, economic and social opportunities. Since then it has worked to improve conditions in housing, employment, education and police-community relations. This gallery highlights the activities of both the National NAACP and the Detroit NAACP, its largest regional branch.
Curator(s): Elizabeth Clemens and Paul S. Neirink
There are 53 images in this gallery
Last updated: Wed, 06/29/2022 - 08:34
The Poor People's Campaign of 1968 was organized by Reverend Ralph Abernathy, and, before his death in April 1968, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., along with support from various Civil Rights organizations. In May and June 1968, demonstrators camped on the National Mall in Washington D. C. as part of the Poor People's Campaign, calling their settlement "Resurrection City."
There are 20 images in this gallery
Last updated: Tue, 02/27/2018 - 13:54
The ratification of the 18th Amendment nationalized Prohibition in 1919. As a city with strong cultural ties to alcohol, and subsequently a large number of breweries, Detroit had a different take on the law. During the Prohibition years, rum running was said to be Detroit’s second largest industry next to automobiles. This was made possible by the city’s close proximity to Canada, where spirits were still available for export, and the entrepreneurial spirit of its citizens who supplied and ran the estimated 5,000-25,000 illegal drinking establishments scattered throughout the city.
Curator: Elizabeth Clemens
Photos courtesy of the Detroit News Photonegative Collection
There are 95 images in this gallery
Last updated: Tue, 04/07/2020 - 12:20
Photographs in this gallery document people, events and the movements that helped shape twentieth-century social history. Topics include: dissident movements; riots; rebellions; militancy; as well as larger social forces such as the Great Depression, the Atomic Age, and much more.
Curator: Elizabeth Clemens
Photos courtesy of The Detroit News Collection
There are 158 images in this gallery
Last updated: Fri, 07/15/2022 - 11:44
The Society of Women Engineers was founded in 1950 by women engineering students and professionals who sought to support women in engineering as well as to encourage young women to pursue and excel in the male-dominated field. Although membership has swelled from 61 founding members in 1950 to more than 17,000 members in 2008, women remain a minority in the engineering and technology fields and SWE continues its mission to support and promote practicing and aspiring women engineers.
Curator: Troy Eller
Photos courtesy of SWE Collection
There are 1306 images in this gallery
Last updated: Wed, 09/21/2016 - 08:51
The photographs of longtime newspaperman Dale Rich (1948 -) document the modern political, cultural and grassroots movements of the Detroit, as well as the larger issues of the modern civil rights movement, African Americans in politics and organized labor. It is a unique collection in the Reuther Library’s urban holdings, inasmuch as it is an entirely modern collection, with its dates spanning 1995-2011.
Curator: Elizabeth Clemens
Photos courtesy of the Dale Rich Collection
There are 51 images in this gallery
Last updated: Tue, 02/14/2012 - 14:02