Walter P. Reuther Library oral histories provide unique, personal perspectives on national issues of social justice, civil rights, labor and unions, industrialization-deindustrialization, urbanization, immigration, and migration. These interviews, conducted in the 1950s – 2000s (bulk 1970s-2000s), tell stories from Detroit, Michigan, the Midwest, and beyond, including urban folk traditions, African American communities, race and class issues, and the rise and sharp decline of industrial and professional unions. Oral histories may be accessible as sound recordings, video footage, or transcripts.
To browse a general bibliographic list of titles, visit the WSU library catalog: https://elibrary.wayne.edu
To browse or search for more in depth description, visit the Library's guides: http://archives.wayne.edu/subjects/536
*Requests for use or duplication of any audio or video recordings must be made to the Audiovisual Department. See applicable contacts and fees.
* Due to the personal nature of oral history, the Library prohibits use of the material in any way that infringes on individual right to privacy, or results in libelous statements or slander, in accordance with U.S. law.
* Researchers shall adhere to all stipulated restrictions on reproduction of oral histories and the Archives reserves the right to limit the amount of material that may be reproduced.
* To quote from the transcripts researchers must submit the name and address of their publisher, so that the latter may be informed of the possibility of libelous statements in the transcripts. This is a condition stipulated in the "Oral History Transcript Use Contract" and required of all users.
* Many, but not all, oral history transcripts and digital audio files may be browsed on our large file server. Please note that transcripts are uncorrected, and that quality will vary depending on the condition of the original source material.
Wayne State University, Walter P. Reuther Library — Oral History Transcripts and Recordings