• (11559) AFL-CIO Civil Rights Conference

    AFSCME and Racial Equality

    AFSCME has supported numerous causes that fight for racial equality, both at work and in society. This gallery contains photographs of the 1963 March on Washington, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists events, Urban League events, and meetings of AFSCME and AFL-CIO Civil Rights groups. Photographs illustrating AFSCME's opposition to apartheid in South Africa are also located in this gallery.

    Curator: Stefanie Caloia
    Courtesy AFSCME Collection

    There are 35 images in this gallery

    Last updated: Thu, 03/27/2014 - 15:30

  • (35057) Gerald McEntee, Lee Saunders, World Trade Center Site, 2001

    AFSCME and September 11, 2001

    Nine AFSCME members died in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, September 11, 2001. From the initial response to the rebuilding and coping in the aftermath, AFSCME and other union members in a diverse array of professions responded.

    Curator: Stefanie Caloia

    There are 23 images in this gallery

    Last updated: Fri, 09/02/2016 - 11:00

  • (11947) AFSCME International Headquarters

    AFSCME Headquarters

    This gallery contains images related to AFSCME's various headquarters buildings, first in Madison, Wisconsin, and later in Washington, D. C.

    Curators: Stefanie Caloia
    Courtesy AFSCME Collection

    There are 6 images in this gallery

    Last updated: Thu, 09/07/2023 - 12:32

  • (24736) New York Maritime Trades Support Local 1733

    AFSCME Local 1733 Sanitation Workers Strike, Memphis, 1968

    Sanitation workers in AFSCME Local 1733 in Memphis, Tennessee led a strike in 1968 to gain union recognition. The strike lasted for 65 days and garnered national attention as Local 1733's campaign for labor rights became fused with the struggle for civil rights. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lent his support to the strikers by visiting Memphis and leading marches. While there, on April 4, 1968, King was assassinated. The strike was settled soon after King's death.

    This gallery contains images of strikers, AFSCME staff and leaders, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s participation in the strike.

    Researchers are encouraged to consult AFSCME Local 1733: Memphis, Tennessee Records

    Curator: Stefanie Caloia
    Courtesy AFSCME Collection

    There are 36 images in this gallery

    Last updated: Wed, 09/09/2015 - 14:35

  • (10132) Sanitation Workers

    AFSCME Members at Work

    AFSCME represents public service workers in many fields, including librarians, nurses, corrections workers, sanitation workers, school cooks, clerical workers, recreation workers, and many others. This gallery illustrates the many jobs AFSCME represents using photographs of members at work.

    Curator: Stefanie Caloia
    Courtesy of AFSCME Collection

    There are 157 images in this gallery

    Last updated: Tue, 03/25/2014 - 09:50

  • (11672) AFSCME Staff and Leaders

    AFSCME Staff and Leaders

    This gallery contains photographs of AFSCME staff and leaders. Photographs include individual portraits, group portraits, and event speakers. Many photographs depict AFSCME leaders with prominent political and social figures such as U.S. Presidents and Senators, local politicians, and Civil Rights leaders.

    Curator: Stefanie Caloia
    Courtesy AFSCME Collection

    There are 182 images in this gallery

    Last updated: Tue, 03/25/2014 - 14:17

  • (11688) Interim Committee on Sex Discrimination

    AFSCME Women's Rights

    Throughout its history, AFSCME has represented women in many fields and worked toward gender equality at work. This gallery contains photographs of the AFSCME Women's Rights Committee, Women's Advisory Committee, and other women's leadership events. The gallery also features photographs of members at Equal Rights Amendment marches and demonstrations in support of comparable worth salary adjustments.

    Curator: Stefanie Caloia
    Courtesy AFSCME Collection

    There are 36 images in this gallery

    Last updated: Tue, 03/25/2014 - 13:42

  • (10315) 1965 Consitutional Convention

    Conventions, Conferences and Events (AFSCME)

    This gallery contains photographs from conventions, meetings, and events attended by AFSCME delegates. The photographs feature member delegates as well as prominent speakers such as national political figures and community leaders. Notable attendees include Nelson Mandela, who spoke at the 1990 AFSCME Convention.

    Curator: Stefanie Caloia
    Courtesy AFSCME Collection

    There are 440 images in this gallery

    Last updated: Mon, 03/23/2020 - 16:17

  • (11380) Senator Ted Kennedy honors Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorials (AFSCME)

    During his life, Dr. King supported AFSCME members in their struggle to unionize and reach fair contract agreements. Dr. King's assassination took place during his visit to Memphis in support of AFSCME Local 1733 Sanitation Workers, and the union mourned his death deeply. As a result, AFSCME members have participated in numerous marches and memorial ceremonies to remember King's life and contributions to the Labor Movement. This gallery contains photographs of memorial marchers and speakers at memorial ceremonies. This gallery also contains photographs of mourners, including Dr. King's family, at memorial services.

    Curator: Stefanie Caloia
    Courtesy AFSCME Collection

    There are 67 images in this gallery

    Last updated: Thu, 03/27/2014 - 10:35

  • (12364) Phone Bank for Get Out the Vote, Detroit, 1972

    Political Involvement (AFSCME)

    As a union of public employees, AFSCME has a great interest in both local and national political campaigns. This gallery contains photographs of AFSCME's Political Action Conference events, campaign rallies, and members working as volunteers for political campaigns.

    Curator: Stefanie Caloia
    Courtesy AFSCME Collection

    There are 58 images in this gallery

    Last updated: Tue, 03/24/2020 - 11:13

  • (10290) Solidarity Day 1981

    Strikes, Demonstrations, and Victories (AFSCME)

    This gallery contains photographs of AFSCME members defending their rights through strikes, demonstrations, rallies, and campaigns organized by AFSCME or affiliated groups. Photographs of victories, such as bill signings or contract ratifications, are also found in this gallery.

    Curator: Stefanie Caloia
    Courtesy AFSCME Collection

    There are 320 images in this gallery

    Last updated: Fri, 01/16/2015 - 14:41