Peggy Layne describes her work on the Society of Women Engineers statistics committee and the Board of Directors in the 1990s, including the financial difficulties SWE faced in the mid-1990s and the long search for an executive director for the society. She explains that her involvement in SWE was important because it developed skills that transferred to her career and because it provided and professional and social network as she moved around the country for her career. Layne is the director of the AdvanceVT program at Virginia Tech and is a past president of the Society of Women Engineers.
This oral history interview was recorded November 5, 2010 at the Society of Women Engineers WE10 Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, as part of the SWE Grassroots Oral History Project. The interviewer is Troy Eller. This excerpt was selected and produced by the SWE Archivist. The excerpt may have been edited for length, however the intent of the interviewee's words remain the same. Audio excerpts may be used for research and educational purposes only.