Day and Night shifts assemble at Blaine tunnel of the Trade Dollar Mine for a group photograph.
Front row, left to right: Barney Francisco, Herb Holloway, Owen Reel, Joe and Helen Hutchinson, William Haywwod, Jim Cox, Walter Thomas, Dave O’Neal.
Back row: Bill Pooley, Jacob Bachman, Alex Beason, Ed Vanson, Charley Rodgers, Bill Stephenson, Bart Russell, Dave Porter, Charley Miller, Alex McDOnald, Fred Ulmer, Bill Lakey, Frank Hall, John Raagle, Eddie Phillips, Fred Johnson, Charley Camaish, Branch Smith, Jim Law, Lyle Eisenhart, Bob Haisplip, Jack Lawyer, Jay Ballinger, Dave Brumbaugh (Shift boss), Joe Corda, William Barrow, Bill WIlliams, Oscar Johnson, Lish Lewis, Billies Chrisman, Fred Davis, Ed Allen, Matt McLain (shift boss), John McGough, Jim Trythal, Harry Palmer.