Join the Walter P. Reuther Library of Labor and Urban Affairs to celebrate the achievements of Professor Emeritus Dr. Philip P. Mason and commemorate the Reuther Library's 40th anniversary.
Dr. Philip P. Mason and his former students and colleagues Kathleen Roe, Warner Pflug and Dr. Frank Boles will offer remarks. The Reuther Library will also unveil a portrait of Dr. Mason to be hung on permanent display.
The event is free, but guests are strongly encouraged to RSVP here.
4 to 6 p.m., Thursday, August 27, 2015
Walter P. Reuther Library
Wayne State University
5401 Cass Ave., Detroit
$7 parking (credit card only) will be available in Wayne State University Structure 1, 450 W. Palmer St., across from the Law School.
If you are unable to attend and would like to share tributes and memories please visit
Dr. Philip Mason’s long and productive career includes the leadership of Wayne State University’s Walter P. Reuther Library where he served as its director for over 30 years and as president of three archival organizations, including the Society of American Archivists, where he oversaw its reorganization. It was this organization that made him a Fellow. Added to these accomplishments, he established Wayne State University’s archival education program and has authored numerous books and articles. With his retirement came the much-deserved title, Distinguished Professor Emeritus.