The Reuther Library is pleased to announce the launch of a new HistoryPin tour: Detroit and World War II
The interactive tour features images that highlight the role of everyday citizens in the war effort between the years 1940-1945. Topics featured include military draft and recruitment, mobilization, salvage drives, rationing, community events, and defense work. Of particular interest are photographs of industrial training, the daily life of prisoners of war held at Fort Wayne, U.S.O. recreation activities, and community involvement in the war effort.
The Second World War is a vast topic and this tour highlights but a small portion of the visual materials available for research at the Reuther Library. To further explore our collections, please visit our image gallery Stills from the World at War, browse the Virtual Motor City or contact a member of our Audiovisual Department to make an appointment to view undigitized photographs, graphics, and films.
Elizabeth Clemens is an Audiovisual Archivist at the Walter P. Reuther Library