Join the Reuther Library at 12, May 14th, for a Talk from John Buchkoski from the University of Oklahoma.
Buchkoski will discuss his research on a forthcoming work entitled “Speak to the Earth and it Shall Teach Thee: Catholic Nuns, The United Farmworkers Movement, and the Rise of an Environmental Ethic, 1962-1978.” The research explores organizations formed by nuns – including the Leadership Council of Women Religious, the National Assembly of Religious Women, and the National Coalition of American Nuns – who supported United Farm Worker strikes by popularizing boycotts across Catholic communities. This project also articulates the role that religious women had in grassroots social activism, while also using it to legitimize their goal of female ordination and diaconate.
Following a brief presentation, Buchkoski will answer questions related to his work. Feel free to bring a lunch to enjoy as you listen.