Meghan Courtney, Reuther Library archivist, discusses Nelson Mandela's 1990 visit to the U.S. as well as his long-term relationship with the American Labor Movement during his time in prison and after his release.
Mandela's 12 day, 8 city fundraising tour in June 1990 took place just months after his release from 27 years in a South African prison and included visits to the AFL-CIO, AFSCME's convention, UAW Local 600 and Tiger Stadium.
Courtney explores Mandela's philosophical alignment with the labor movement, labor's support for anti-apartheid efforts in the U.S., and archival collections at the Reuther Library where researchers might find evidence of Mandela's friendships and partnerships.
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Courtney is the Reuther Library's Outreach Archivist and former AFSCME Archivist.
Related Collections
AFSCME Office of the Secretary-Treasurer: Bill Lucy Records
UAW Presidents Office: Owen Bieber Records
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Records
UAW Fair Practices and Anti-Discrimination Department Records
AFSCME Office of the Presdient: Gerald McEntee Records
Episode Credits
Producers: Dan Golodner and Troy Eller English
Host: Dan Golodner
Interviewee: Meghan Courtney
Sound: Troy Eller English
With support from the Reuther Podcast Collective: Bart Bealmer, Elizabeth Clemens, Meghan Courtney, Troy Eller English, Dan Golodner, Paul Neirink, and Mary Wallace