This January 23, Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs and Detroit Sound Conservancy present Music in the Archives: A Celebration of Detroit’s Aural History featuring performances by Melvin Davis, Detroit’s Soul Ambassador, and Ron English and his trio on the legendary Blue Bird Inn stage.
This free event will celebrate both musicians’ role in the music community and the oral history interviews they have donated to archives. Oral histories allow researchers to hear behind-the-scenes stories from musicians about their own lives and work, creating a deeper understanding of the motivations behind well-known songs and records.
Doors open at 6pm and performances will take place at 6:30 and 7:30. The Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs is located at 5401 Cass Avenue in Detroit.
The Reuther Library is the largest labor archives in North America. Its collection strengths extend to the political and community life of urban and metropolitan Detroit, the civil rights movement in Michigan and nationally, and women's struggles in the workplace.
Detroit Sound Conservancy is a grassroots, do-it-yourself, nonprofit mobile museum and archive advocating for Detroit music past, present, and future. Learn more at detroitsound.org.
For more information, visit Reuther.wayne.edu or contact Meghan.courtney@wayne.edu