1. What is the best way to learn more about the Reuther’s collections remotely?
Please start by visiting our finding aid search at http://archives.wayne.edu or by using the advanced search bar at the top right of this page.
2. I’m having a hard time navigating your finding aids online. Can I talk to an archivist about my topic before I have boxes selected?
Yes! We’re happy to offer advice on search terms or how to find the collections you might need. Email reutherreference@wayne.edu. We are also able to speak with you via Teams (or Zoom if you prefer).
3. How much material can I have scanned and sent to me remotely?
In order to help as many people as possible, we may need to limit researchers to 10 folders per request. While it is certainly possible to ask for more than 10 folders, you may receive material in several phases. Please speak with an archivist if you need assistance narrowing your request or prioritizing materials.
4. Is the Reuther currently supporting classes or offering class visits?
We are available for remote class visits and (beginning in fall), in-person visits with a limit on attendees. Please email @meghan.courtney@wayne.edu to talk about your needs.
5. What are archivists doing if they’re not available in the reading room?
Most of the Reuther's work is continuing as normal. In addition to serving patron research requests remotely, staff continue to apply metadata, work on arrangement and description, develop classroom tools, work with donor organizations, conduct oral histories, produce podcasts, write blog posts, practice digital preservation, and reach out to potential material donors. If you would like to collaborate beyond a simple research request, please reach out.
6. What if I have material I’d like to donate to the Reuther?
Our field archivist Louis Jones would love to discuss your donation. Please contact him at louis.jones@wayne.edu
7. When will the reading room open to researchers outside of WSU?
We expect to update our policies soon. As access changes, we will post notices here and on our social media accounts, listed at the top left of this page.