The Wayne County, Michigan Library System was established in 1920 and built branches in the then-far flung rural areas of the county. Librarians in the system organized and received a charter for AFSCME Local 771 in 1943 and operated out of a building at 3661 Trumbull in Detroit. Activities included navigating the newly-established Wayne County Civil Service program. The local was active until 1964 when it disbanded. The county system disbanded in 2015, at which point it had been reduced to just a few locations. Many of the former member locations converted to municipal libraries.
The AFSCME Local 771 Wayne County, Michigan Library Employees records contain correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, constitutions, articles, and photographs. Topics include various committees, the Wayne County Civil Service Commission, AFL, AFSCME International and Council 77. Local 771 Presidents represented in the collection include Anne Farrington, Zona Williams, Kathryn (Wagner) Sadler, and Isabella Swan.