For the first time in over a generation, the Walter P. Reuther Library of Labor and Urban Affairs will change the normal business hours in its reading room. Long-time reference archivist William LeFevre confirmed the decision at a recent staff meeting. According to William, the decision to change is primarily based on two factors. First: Reading room statistics suggest that researchers rarely took advantage of the extended hours that were offered on both Monday and Tuesday evenings. These same statistics indicate that a much higher rate of research was being conducted on Wednesdays. Secondly, the Reuther believes that the change to extended Wednesday evenings hours will increase customer service and satisfaction. Many researchers are interested in materials located at both the Reuther Library and the Main Branch of the Detroit Public Library. The Main Branch of the DPL, which is located across Cass Avenue from the Reuther, is home to the Burton Historical Collection. These two kindred bodies of primary source materials compliment one another very well, and since the Burton remains open to the public until 8pm on Wednesdays, it was practical for the Reuther to offer similar hours. Offering similar hours will allow researchers an opportunity to accomplish more with a single visit. The Reuther's new hours will be put into effect at the beginning of next week.
New Hours of Operation:
As of April 30th, 2012
Monday & Tuesday 9:00am–4:45pm
Wednesday 11:00am–6:45pm
Thursday & Friday 9:00am–4:45pm
CLOSED Saturday & Sunday