Library Collection

The non-manuscript holdings at the Reuther Library, also known as the Library Collection, contain more than 12,000 book and periodical titles, a substantial vertical file, published union convention proceedings and reports, union contracts and constitutions, pamphlets, and labor education materials.

Please contact Kristen Chinery, Reference Archivist, for more information.

Meghan CourtneyReuther Newsletter 2021
Metropolitan Detroit AFL-CIOThe Detroit Labor News
Mi Gente PublicationsMi Gente
Michigan CIO CouncilConvention Proceedings
Michigan CIO CouncilConvention Proceedings
Michigan CIO CouncilMichigan CIO News
Michigan CIO CouncilPamphlets
Michigan CIO CouncilResolutions, Constitutions, Officer's Reports
Michigan CIO Council, Education DepartmentEducation Department Publications
Michigan CIO Council, Legislative DepartmentLegislative Department Publications
Michigan CIO Council, Michigan Locals, Government and Civic Employees Organizing CommitteeMichigan CIO News - Maintainer Edition
Michigan CIO Council, Western Michigan CIO UnionsWestern Michigan News
Michigan CIO Council, Women's Auxiliary CouncilConvention Proceedings
Michigan Citizens LobbyCitizen Lobbyist
Michigan Committee of the American Slav CongressMichigan Slav
Michigan Conference of TeamstersYearly Reports
Michigan Credit Union LeagueContact
Michigan Department of LaborAnnual Report, State of Michigan Department of Labor
Michigan Department of LaborLabor Digest
Michigan Farm Worker Ministry CoalitionNewsletter
Michigan Federation of LaborConstitutions, Declarations of Principles
Michigan Federation of LaborLegislative Report
Michigan Federation of LaborMichigan Federationist
Michigan Federation of LaborMichigan Union Advocate
Michigan Federation of LaborProceedings, Annual Conventions
Michigan Labor League for Political EducationPublications, Michigan Labor League for Political Education
Michigan Municipal ReviewMichigan Municipal Review
Michigan Quality of Work Life CouncilWork Life Review
Michigan State AFL-CIOConstitutions, Resolutions, Officer Reports
Michigan State AFL-CIOConvention Proceedings, Resolutions
Michigan State AFL-CIOMichigan AFL-CIO News
Michigan State AFL-CIOPublications
Michigan State AFL-CIO, Education DepartmentPublications
Michigan State AFL-CIO, Legislative OfficeLegislative Newsletter
Michigan State Bar AssociationDetroit Legal News
Michigan State Employees Association, UAW Local 6000MSEA News
Michigan State Highway DepartmentPlanning and Route Location Study: Interstate 96, City of Detroit: A Brief Summary
Michigan State Legislature, Legislative Council, Labor Relations SubcommitteeMeeting Proceedings
Michigan Telephone Employees FederationTelephone Talk
Michigan Women's CommissionMichigan Women
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