
Search results

(5275) San Pedro Raid, Victims, San Pedro, California, 19241924

An unidentified person, killed during a raid on the San Pedro I.W.W. Hall by the Ku Klux Klan, lies in his/her coffin. Date:  1924 Physdesc:  Photograph (Industrial Workers of the World, Industrial Workers of ...

Image - eclemens - 03/30/2017 - 14:06 - 0 comments - 3 attachments

(5172) Social Gatherings, Meetings, 1910s

Group portrait of IWW members taken during a picnic outing. Date:  1910s ...

Image - eclemens - 03/30/2017 - 14:43 - 0 comments - 3 attachments

(5176) Social Gatherings, Meetings, 1910s

Group portrait of IWW members taken during a picnic outing. Date:  1910s ...

Image - eclemens - 03/30/2017 - 14:39 - 0 comments - 3 attachments

(5170) Social Gatherings, Meetings, 1910s

Group portrait of IWW members taken during a picnic outing. Date:  1910s ...

Image - eclemens - 03/30/2017 - 14:43 - 0 comments - 3 attachments

(5276) San Pedro Raid, Threats, San Pedro, California, 1920s

Copy of a letter sent to the IWW Hall in San Pedro, California that threatens death to members if they do ...

Image - eclemens - 03/30/2017 - 14:14 - 0 comments - 3 attachments

(5274) Violence, San Pedro Hall, Victims, San Pedro, California, 1924

12-year old May Sundstedt recovers from severe scalding burns received during a raid of the San Pedro I.W.W. Hall by members of the Ku Klux Klan. Date:  1924 Physdesc:  Photograph (Industrial Workers of the Wo ...

Image - eclemens - 03/30/2017 - 14:16 - 0 comments - 3 attachments

(5433) Worker Meetings and Demonstrations, 1910s

Members of the I.W.W. line up outside of an unidentified building prior to a meeting. Date:  1910s Physdesc:  Photograph (Industrial Workers of the World, Industrial Workers of the World - General) ...

Image - eclemens - 03/30/2017 - 15:13 - 0 comments - 3 attachments