
Search results

(5035) Lumber Industry, Everett Massacre, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Seattle, 1917

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn addresses the audience at a rally in defense of the Everett prisoners held in Seattle, Washington. Flynn can be seen in the lower right corner, directly behind the two large umbrellas. Date:  1917 ...

Image - eclemens - 05/19/2015 - 12:44 - 0 comments - 3 attachments

Goddard Graves Papers

... 1940-1976 Material from his tenure as IWW General Executive Board member. Attachment (click to ...

Abstracts - drice - 01/13/2011 - 11:08 - 0 comments - 1 attachment

Matthew and Elizabeth Serviss Fox Papers

... Matthew and Elizabeth Serviss Fox were both members of the IWW. Mrs. Fox served as the secretary-treasurer, William D. Haywood's secretary ...

Abstracts - drice - 04/24/2015 - 15:36 - 0 comments - 1 attachment

William Henkelman Papers

... reflect his service in Russia and involvement in the IWW. Attachment (click to download) ...

Abstracts - drice - 09/06/2018 - 09:31 - 0 comments - 1 attachment

Covington Hall Papers

... War period to the outbreak of World War 1. The role of the IWW is particularly well covered. Attachment (click to ...

Abstracts - drice - 12/20/2010 - 16:03 - 0 comments - 1 attachment

(5108) Frank Little, Death, Missoula, Montana Free Speech Fight, 1917

Snapshot showing the body of Frank Little, organizer for the I.W.W. and active participant in the free speech fights in Spokane, Seattle, and Missoula. Little was lynched in the early morning hours of August 1, 1917 while he was in Butte Montana to help ...

Image - eclemens - 06/03/2015 - 11:56 - 0 comments - 3 attachments

(5169) Paterson Strike, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Meeting, 1913

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn addresses workers at an outdoor meeting during the Paterson Silk Strike. Date:  1913-06 Physdesc:  Photograph (Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, Industrial Workers of the World, Strikes and locko ...

Image - eclemens - 05/19/2015 - 10:57 - 0 comments - 3 attachments

(26675) Paterson Silk Strike, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Rallies, 1913

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn addresses the crowds at an outdoor rally during the Paterson Silk Strike in Paterson, New Jersey. Photograph courtesy of the William Cahn Collection. Date:  1913-06 Physdesc:  Photograph ...

Image - eclemens - 05/19/2015 - 10:11 - 0 comments - 3 attachments

(4853) William "Big Bill" Haywood, WIlliam Trautmann, 1910s

... with William Trautmann, founding general-secretary of the IWW.. Date:  1910s Physdesc:  Photograph ...

Image - eclemens - 05/23/2014 - 15:26 - 0 comments - 3 attachments

Floyd Hoke-Miller Papers

... Searchlight, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) publication, Industrial Worker, and the Council of Industrial Organization ...

Abstracts - abarker - 01/05/2011 - 14:55 - 0 comments - 1 attachment