Urban Affairs

(27117) Sports, Detroit, Downtown Stadium, 1966 Image
(27120) Motown, Supremes, 1966 Image
(27124) Housing Commission, Cavanagh, Chambers, 1963 Image
(27138) Television Programs, Cavanagh, Barker, 1969 Image
(27167) Cavanagh, Poole, Detroit Symphony Orchestra, 1969 Image
(27168) Cavanagh, Wayne State University, Groundbreaking, 1962 Image
(27169) Television Programs, Cavanagh, Hilberry, Downs, 1960s Image
(27170) Cavanagh, Williams, Detroit Zoo, 1962 Image
(27171) Cavanagh, Williams, 1960s Image
(27174) Max Fisher, Jerome Cavanagh, WTVS Auction, 1971 Image
(27177) Cavanagh, Young, Fredericks, 1960s Image
(27191) Cavanagh, Breakthough Pickets, Press Conference, 1960s Image
(27193) Cavanagh, Stepp, Events, 1960s Image
(27198) Cavanagh, Reuther, City Planning, 1966 Image
(27199) Cavanagh, City Planning, 1960s Image
(27201) Historical Markers, Essex County, Canada, 1963 Image
(27208) Mayor Cavanagh Recall Petition, 1967 Image
(27856) Prohibition, Blind Pigs, College of the City of Detroit, 1932 Image
(27720) Cavanagh, Virginia Park Residents, 1967 Image
(27721) Portrait of Mayor Cavanagh, 1960s Image
(27727) Cavanagh, Civic Events, 1968 Image
(27729) Cavanagh, City Airport, Dedication, 1966 Image
(27731) Cavanagh, Civic Center Plaza, Planning, 1969 Image
(27745) Cavanagh, Greektown, Ethnic Festivals, 1969 Image
(27746) Cavanagh, Press Conferences, Gun Control, 1968 Image
(27822) Prohibition, Smuggling, Lake St. Clair, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27823) Prohibition, Smuggling, Automobiles, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27824) Prohibition, Confiscation, Detroit, 1929 Image
(27825) Prohibition, Raids, Confiscation, Detroit, 1929 Image
(27826) Prohibition, Smuggling, Detroit River, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27827) Prohibition, Smuggling, Automobiles, Lake St. Clair, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27828) Prohibition, Smuggling, Automobiles, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27829) Prohibition, Smuggling, Detroit River, Detroit, 1929 Image
(27830) Prohibition, Smuggling, Detroit River, Detroit, 1929 Image
(27831) Prohibition, Smuggling, Detroit River, Detroit, 1929 Image
(27832) Prohibition, Smuggling, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27833) Prohibition, Smuggling, Detroit River, Detroit, 1929 Image
(27834) Prohibition, Raids, Speakeasies, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27835) Prohibition, Enforcement, Raids, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27836) Prohibition, Enforcement, Raids, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27838) Prohibtion, Agents, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27839) Prohibition, Stills, Raids, 1920s Image
(27840) Prohibition, Detroit, 1919 Image
(27841) Prohibition, Smuggling, Detroit River, 1930 Image
(27842) Prohibition, Smuggling, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27843) Prohibition, Raids, Stills, Agents, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27844) Prohibition, Confiscation, Trumbull Street, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27845) Prohibition, Padlocking, Speakeasies, Detroit, 1920s Image
(27846) Prohibition, Temperance Movement, Carrie Nation, 1900s Image
(27847) Prohibition, Temperence Movement, William (Billy) Sunday, 1932 Image
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