(30581) Coretta Scott King, SEIU / 1199 Healthcre Conference, 1981 | Image |
(30582) Coretta Scott King, Stevie Wonder, Martin Luther King 20th Anniversary March, 1983 | Image |
(31017) Martin Luther King, Jr. Rally, Labor and Civil Rights, Memphis, Tennessee, 1998 | Image |
(31018) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day March, Atlanta, Georgia, 1989 | Image |
(31019) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Coretta Scott King, Dexter Scott King, Atlanta, Georgia, 1989 | Image |
(31020) Martin Luther King, Jr. March, Washington, D.C., 1982 | Image |
(31021) Martin Luther King, Jr. March, Participants, Washington, D.C., 1982 | Image |
(31303) Pat Ford, Jesse Jackson, March on Washington 40th Anniversary, Washington, D.C., 2003 | Image |
(31304) Demonstrators, 40th Anniversary of March on Washington, Washington, D.C., 2003 | Image |
(32001) Martin Luther King, Jr., Viola Liuzzo Funeral, Detroit, 1965 | Image |
(32002) Viola Liuzzo, Funeral, Mourners, Detroit, 1965 | Image |
(32004) Viola Liuzzo, Funeral, Family, Detroit, 1965 | Image |
(32005) Viola Liuzzo, Family, Detroit, 1961 | Image |
(32006) Viola Liuzzo, Family, 1965 | Image |
(32405) Ramon Scruggs, George Romney, Lenore Romney, 1963 | Image |
(32406) Ramon Scruggs and George Romney | Image |
(32648) Ernest Dillard, Portrait, 1969 | Image |
(32650) Ernest Dillard, Portrait, 1969 | Image |
(35365) Rosa Parks Interview, Remote Access, Audiovisual Department, 2021 | Image |
(37657) A group of women standing along the Detroit Walk to Freedom march route, watching the marchers. | Image |
(38592) UAW Recreation Department, Bowling, Anti-Discrimination Campaign | Image |
(39007) Viola Liuzzo, Murder Investigation, 1965 | Image |
(46778) Eleanor Josaitis, Focus: HOPE, 1970s | Image |
(49574) John Conyers, Jr., Portraits, Undated | Image |
(49575) John Conyers, Jr., Portraits, Undated | Image |
Labor Feminism in the Federated Press, 1930s through 1950s | Podcasts |
Podcast: "She Never Gave Up on This City:" Remembering Firebrand Detroit City Councilwoman Maryann Mahaffey | Podcasts |
[Podcast] (Re)Introducing the Michigan Black History Bibliography | Podcasts |
[Podcast] Detroit Under Fire: Police Violence and Racial Justice in the Civil Rights Era | Podcasts |
[Podcast] Don’t Buy Where You Can’t Work: Black-Owned Businesses and the Housewives League of Detroit | Podcasts |
[Podcast] Immigrant Girl, Radical Woman: A Memoir of Wobbly Organizer Matilda Rabinowitz Robbins | Podcasts |
[Podcast] No Equal Justice: The Legal and Civil Rights Legacy of George W. Crockett Jr. | Podcasts |
[Podcast] Punishing Promise: School Discipline in the Era of Desegregation | Podcasts |
[Podcast] Rise Up Detroit: Stories from the African American Struggle for Power | Podcasts |
[Podcast] The Carter Presidency and Gay Rights | Podcasts |
Affirmative Action Register | Publications |
American Civil Liberties Union Annual Reports | Publications |
Black World | Publications |
Civil Rights News | Publications |
NAACP Reporter | Publications |
Negro Digest | Publications |
Peace and Freedom | Publications |
Publications, Fair Practices and Anti-Discrimination Department | Publications |
The Black Panther | Publications |
The Crisis | Publications |
The Crusader | Publications |
The Ghetto Speaks | Publications |
UAW Fair Practices Fact Sheet | Publications |
WILPF Detroit Branch Newsletters | Publications |
WILPF Proceedings | Publications |