Civil rights

(30581) Coretta Scott King, SEIU / 1199 Healthcre Conference, 1981 Image
(30582) Coretta Scott King, Stevie Wonder, Martin Luther King 20th Anniversary March, 1983 Image
(31017) Martin Luther King, Jr. Rally, Labor and Civil Rights, Memphis, Tennessee, 1998 Image
(31018) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day March, Atlanta, Georgia, 1989 Image
(31019) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Coretta Scott King, Dexter Scott King, Atlanta, Georgia, 1989 Image
(31020) Martin Luther King, Jr. March, Washington, D.C., 1982 Image
(31021) Martin Luther King, Jr. March, Participants, Washington, D.C., 1982 Image
(31303) Pat Ford, Jesse Jackson, March on Washington 40th Anniversary, Washington, D.C., 2003 Image
(31304) Demonstrators, 40th Anniversary of March on Washington, Washington, D.C., 2003 Image
(32001) Martin Luther King, Jr., Viola Liuzzo Funeral, Detroit, 1965 Image
(32002) Viola Liuzzo, Funeral, Mourners, Detroit, 1965 Image
(32004) Viola Liuzzo, Funeral, Family, Detroit, 1965 Image
(32005) Viola Liuzzo, Family, Detroit, 1961 Image
(32006) Viola Liuzzo, Family, 1965 Image
(32405) Ramon Scruggs, George Romney, Lenore Romney, 1963 Image
(32406) Ramon Scruggs and George Romney Image
(32648) Ernest Dillard, Portrait, 1969 Image
(32650) Ernest Dillard, Portrait, 1969 Image
(35365) Rosa Parks Interview, Remote Access, Audiovisual Department, 2021 Image
(37657) A group of women standing along the Detroit Walk to Freedom march route, watching the marchers. Image
(38592) UAW Recreation Department, Bowling, Anti-Discrimination Campaign Image
(39007) Viola Liuzzo, Murder Investigation, 1965 Image
(46778) Eleanor Josaitis, Focus: HOPE, 1970s Image
(49574) John Conyers, Jr., Portraits, Undated Image
(49575) John Conyers, Jr., Portraits, Undated Image
Labor Feminism in the Federated Press, 1930s through 1950s Podcasts
Podcast: "She Never Gave Up on This City:" Remembering Firebrand Detroit City Councilwoman Maryann Mahaffey Podcasts
[Podcast] (Re)Introducing the Michigan Black History Bibliography Podcasts
[Podcast] Detroit Under Fire: Police Violence and Racial Justice in the Civil Rights Era Podcasts
[Podcast] Don’t Buy Where You Can’t Work: Black-Owned Businesses and the Housewives League of Detroit Podcasts
[Podcast] Immigrant Girl, Radical Woman: A Memoir of Wobbly Organizer Matilda Rabinowitz Robbins Podcasts
[Podcast] No Equal Justice: The Legal and Civil Rights Legacy of George W. Crockett Jr. Podcasts
[Podcast] Punishing Promise: School Discipline in the Era of Desegregation Podcasts
[Podcast] Rise Up Detroit: Stories from the African American Struggle for Power Podcasts
[Podcast] The Carter Presidency and Gay Rights Podcasts
Affirmative Action Register Publications
American Civil Liberties Union Annual Reports Publications
Black World Publications
Civil Rights News Publications
NAACP Reporter Publications
Negro Digest Publications
Peace and Freedom Publications
Publications, Fair Practices and Anti-Discrimination Department Publications
The Black Panther Publications
The Crisis Publications
The Crusader Publications
The Ghetto Speaks Publications
UAW Fair Practices Fact Sheet Publications
WILPF Detroit Branch Newsletters Publications
WILPF Proceedings Publications
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