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(29263) Central States Conference, 1983
(29259) CLUW Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1984
(29249) Attendees, SEIU 18th Annual Convention, Dearborn, Michigan, 1984
(29248) Committee on Political Action, COPE, SEIU 18th Annual Convention, Dearborn, Michigan, 1984
(29239) Governor James Blanchard, SEIU 18th Annual Convention, Dearborn, Michigan, 1984
(29246) Henry Nicholas, SEIU 18th Annual Convention, Dearborn, Michigan, 1984
(29244) SEIU Members, SEIU 18th Annual Convention, Dearborn, Michigan, 1984
(29242) The Henry Ford, SEIU 18th Annual Convention, Dearborn, Michigan, 1984
(29240) Walter Mondale, George Hardy, SEIU 18th Annual Convention, Dearborn, Michigan, 1984
(29247) Executive Board, SEIU 18th Annual Convention, Dearborn, Michigan, 1984
(29238) John Sweeney, SEIU 18th Annual Convention, Dearborn, Michigan, 1984
(29245) Local 32B-32J Members, SEIU 18th Annual Convention, Dearborn, Michigan, 1984
(29243) John Sweeney, SEIU 18th Annual Convention, Dearborn, Michigan, 1984
(29241) SEIU Members, SEIU 18th Annual Convention, Dearborn, Michigan, 1984
(29231) Richard Cortz, John Sweeney, Jesse Jackson, Legislative Conference, 1987
(29228) John Sweeney, Jesse Jackson, Executive Board Meeting, Wasington, D.C., 1987
(29230) John Sweeney, Jesse Jackson, Executive Board Meeting, Wasington, D.C., 1987
(29229) Michael Dukakis, Executive Board Meeting, Wasington, D.C., 1987
(29217) Hall, SEIU 21st International Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29220) Living Wage Demonstration, Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29218) Eliseo Medina and other attendees, SEIU 21st International Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29221) Living Wage Demonstration, SEIU 21st International Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29219) Living Wage Demonstration, SEIU 21st International Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29215) Local 105, Petition Banner, SEIU 21st International Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29213) Andy Stern, New Voices for SEIU, SEIU 21st International Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29216) John Sweeney, Richard Cordtz, SEIU 21st International Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29214) Bill Clinton, Eliseo Medina, Andy Stern, SEIU 21st International Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29212) Andy Stern and others, SEIU 21st International Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29206) Anna Burger, Andy Stern, Jesse Jackson, SEIU 22nd International Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2000
(29207) Entertainers, SEIU 22nd International Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2000