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(27093) Cavanagh, Job Training, Detroit, 1967
(27049) Funeral Procession, Albert Booth, Jr. 1963
(27071) Civil Unrest, Riots, Rebellions, Detroit, 1967
(27121) Motown, Supremes, 1965
(27080) Memorial Services, Civil Unrest, Riots, Rebellions, Detroit, 1967
(27069) Civil Unrest, Riots, Rebellions, Detroit, 1967
(27117) Sports, Detroit, Downtown Stadium, 1966
(27067) Civil Unrest, Riots, Rebellions, Detroit, 1967
(27077) Civil Unrest, Riots, Rebellions, Detroit, 1967
(27169) Television Programs, Cavanagh, Hilberry, Downs, 1960s
(27108) Political Campaigns, Cavanagh, 1970
(27061) Cavanagh, Organized Labor, 1960s
(27074) "New Detroit" Cavanagh, Romney, Hudson, 1967
(27167) Cavanagh, Poole, Detroit Symphony Orchestra, 1969
(26955) Youth Education Proclamation, 1963
(27022) Honorary Degrees, Detroit College of Law, 1974
(26969) Italian Trade Proclamation, 1969
(26938) 1964 Democratic National Convention, Detroit
(27007) Cavanagh, Portrait, 1969
(26965) Romanian Independence Proclamation, 1968
(26930) Demonstrations, Police Brutality, Cavanagh, 1968
(27002) Cavanagh Family, 1962
(26962) Lithuanian Independence Proclamation, Detroit, 1967
(27030) Detroit Tigers, Baseball Games, 1966
(26924) 1968 Olympics, Olympic Bid, Johnson, Detroit, 1963
(26977) Auto Show, Detroit, 1962
(26960) ACLU, Human Rights Day Proclamation, Detroit, 1967
(27028) Detroit Institute of Arts, South Wing Opening, 1966
(26971) Groundbreaking, Pulaski Statue, Detroit, 1965
(26953) Poor People's March, Detroit, 1968