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(2390) Constance Smith, Martha Thomas, 1961 National Convention
(3807) Cesar Chavez speaks during the funeral mass for Juan de la Cruz, 1973
(3806) The funeral procession for Juan de la Cruz
(1323) Cayento Esquival injured during the Coachella Strike
(343) President Clinton presents Helen Chavez with the Presidential Medal of Freedom
(342) Children work alongside adults in the fields
(340) Farm workers harvesting crops in a field
(339) Children harvest strawberries
(338) An open-air school for migrant farm worker's children
(337) A farm worker stacks crates of harvested grapes
(336) A scene from the San Luis strike, 1974
(2386) Membership Meeting, 1961 National Convention
(335) A female farm worker in the field
(2409) Ruth Shafer, Beatrice Hicks, 1961 National Convention
(334) A female farm worker holding a flag
(2393) Ruth Shafer, SWE Drive, 1961 National Convention
(2407) Section Representative Meeting, 1961 National Convention
(2406) Section Representatives Meeting, 1961 National Convention
(2395) Executive Committee Meeting, 1961 National Convention
(2410) Eileen Powers, Luncheon, 1961 National Convention
(2385) Maddie McFadden, 1961 National Convention
(2397) Laurel van der Wal, Achievement Award, 1961 National Convention
(2402) Beatrice Hicks, Catherine Eiden, 1961 National Convention
(2400) Beatrice Hicks, Eleanor Bonde, Fundraising Cup, 1961 National Convention
(2392) Myra Herrick, Judith Anderson, 1961 National Convention
(2399) Lois Graham, Catherine Eiden, 1961 National Convention
(2401) Mickey Gerla, Catherine Eiden, 1961 National Convention
(2396) Isabelle French, Pat Brown, Membership Meeting, 1961 National Convention
(2389) Gladys Flynn, Mary Munger, SWE Drive, 1961 National Convention
(2411) Catherine Eiden, Jennie Baron, 1961 National Convention