(2390) Constance Smith, Martha Thomas, 1961 National Convention |
(3807) Cesar Chavez speaks during the funeral mass for Juan de la Cruz, 1973 |
(3806) The funeral procession for Juan de la Cruz |
(1323) Cayento Esquival injured during the Coachella Strike |
(343) President Clinton presents Helen Chavez with the Presidential Medal of Freedom |
(342) Children work alongside adults in the fields |
(340) Farm workers harvesting crops in a field |
(339) Children harvest strawberries |
(338) An open-air school for migrant farm worker's children |
(337) A farm worker stacks crates of harvested grapes |
(336) A scene from the San Luis strike, 1974 |
(2386) Membership Meeting, 1961 National Convention |
(335) A female farm worker in the field |
(2409) Ruth Shafer, Beatrice Hicks, 1961 National Convention |
(334) A female farm worker holding a flag |
(2393) Ruth Shafer, SWE Drive, 1961 National Convention |
(2407) Section Representative Meeting, 1961 National Convention |
(2406) Section Representatives Meeting, 1961 National Convention |
(2395) Executive Committee Meeting, 1961 National Convention |
(2410) Eileen Powers, Luncheon, 1961 National Convention |
(2385) Maddie McFadden, 1961 National Convention |
(2397) Laurel van der Wal, Achievement Award, 1961 National Convention |
(2402) Beatrice Hicks, Catherine Eiden, 1961 National Convention |
(2400) Beatrice Hicks, Eleanor Bonde, Fundraising Cup, 1961 National Convention |
(2392) Myra Herrick, Judith Anderson, 1961 National Convention |
(2399) Lois Graham, Catherine Eiden, 1961 National Convention |
(2401) Mickey Gerla, Catherine Eiden, 1961 National Convention |
(2396) Isabelle French, Pat Brown, Membership Meeting, 1961 National Convention |
(2389) Gladys Flynn, Mary Munger, SWE Drive, 1961 National Convention |
(2411) Catherine Eiden, Jennie Baron, 1961 National Convention |