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(35820) Riots, Rebellions, Charles Diggs, Jr., 1967
(35821) Riots, Rebellions, Fires, 12th Street, 1967
(35822) Riots, Rebellions, Civil Distrurbances, Police, 1967
(35893) Motown, Supremes, United Way, 1967
(3710) Motown, Supremes, Brewster Homes, 1960s
Collection Spotlight: SEIU Photographs
(35299) SEIU Photographs boxes
(35794) Riots, Rebellions, National Guard, Media, Detroit, 1967
Exhibit Announcement: Tony Spina Photographs from the 1967 Civil Unrest
Ralph Orr Papers
Letter from Walter P. Reuther to Senator Gaylord Nelson
Labor Unions, Earth Day, and Environmentalism
(35866) Gay Liberator, Black Caucus, 1970
(35851) Grace Hospital, Camp for Diabetic Children, Brighton, Michigan, 1949
(35852) Grace Hospital, Camp for Diabetic Children, Brighton, Michigan, c. 1950s
(54189) Rep. Morris Hood, Jr., Portraits, Undated
(35849) Portrait, Dr. Edgar Schuler, Anthropology, Sociology, 1950s
(35850) Portrait, Dr. Edgar Schuler, Anthropology, Sociology, 1957
(35300) Jobs Now! Conference
Exhibit Opening: "12th Street, Detroit, 1967"
(5444) Paterson Strike, Demonstrations, New Jersey, 1913
(5384) Tobacco Strike, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1910s
(5335) Steel Industry, Undated
(5289) San Pedro Raid, San Pedro, California, 1924
(5382) Tobacco Strike, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1910s
(5285) San Pedro Raid, Matthew Carsick, Undated
(5356) Subee Family, Undated
(5336) Steel Industry, Undated
(5291) Publications, "Solidarity" Newcastle, Pennsylvania, Undated
(5288) San Pedro Raid, San Pedro, California, 1924