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(34248) ALPA, Southern Airways Strike, 1960s
(34247) ALPA, Southern Airways Strike, 1960s
(34246) ALPA, Southern Airways Strike, 1960s
(34245) ALPA, Southern Airways, Speth, Smith, 1960s
Labor Notes Records
Event: Joel Suarez discusses “Work and the American Moral Imagination, 1940-1996”
Shlomo Sperka Papers
(DN_17101) UAW Public Review Board, Reuther, Adler, McRae, Oxnam, 1957
Exhibit Opening and Panel Discussion - "From the Margins to the Core: Latino Workers in the Nation’s Auto Industry"
Commemorating Rabbi Morris Adler
(34071) Stefanie Caloia, AFSCME Archivist, Reuther Library Staff, 2016
(34069) Candlelight Vigil, Attica Prison, Local 1040, 1971
(34070) Candlelight Vigil, Attica Prison, Local 1040, 1971
(33575) Pie baking event
(34068) Betty Finneran
Recently Opened Collections from the American Federation of Teachers
Meet Stefanie Caloia, AFSCME Archivist
Event: Marcus Cederström discusses "The Life and Times of a Swedish Immigrant: Signe Aurell’s Working Words"
2016 Sam Fishman Travel Grant Recipients
(34067) Jeffrey Tambor as Julius Caesar, 1968-1969
Wayne State University Centennial Symposia Records
United Way for Southeastern Michigan Labor Department Records
UFW: Peter Velasco Records
SEIU's Justice for Janitors MOPSCAR Awards
AFT Great Lakes Regional Office Records
(33933) Portrait, Edward Stanton
Collection Spotlight: The Edward Stanton Photographs
United Way for Southeastern Michigan Scrapbook Collection
(34034) Detroit Federation of Teachers Collective Bargaining Pamphlet, 1964
(34035) Detroit Public Schools Newsletter, Collective Bargaining Election, 1964