Recent posts

(32462) Justice for Janitors healthcare demonstration, Local 1877, Sacramento CA, 1998
(32461) Justice for Janitors healthcare demonstration, Local 1877, Sacramento CA, 1998
(32460) Justice for Janitors healthcare demonstration, Local 1877, Sacramento CA, 1998
(32459) Executive board meeting
(32458) Executive board meeting, 1999
Wayne State University Collegian Newspapers
Wayne State University Board of Governors Proceedings
Detroit Board of Education Proceedings
(32457) Homecare workers election and press conference, Los Angeles, 1999
(32456) Homecare workers election and press conference, Los Angeles, 1999
(32455) Homecare workers election and press conference, Los Angeles, 1999
(32454) SEIU doctors' council press conference, Washington DC, 1999
(32453) SEIU doctors' council press conference, Washington DC, 1999
(32452) SEIU doctors' council press conference, Washington DC, 1999
(32451) Local union organizers conference, Las Vegas, 1999
(32450) Local union organizers conference, Local 1107, Las Vegas, 1999
(32449) Local union organizers conference, Las Vegas, 1999
(32448) Senior citizens Medicare rally, Washington DC, 1999
(32447) Senior citizens Medicare rally, Washington DC, 1999
(32446) Maryland needlestick bill signing, Annapolis, 1999
(32445) Maryland needlestick bill signing, Annapolis, 1999
(32444) Maryland needlestick bill signing, Annapolis, 1999
(32628) Coleman Young, Children, Christmas, Detroit, 1974
(32443) Al Gore at legislative conference, Washington DC, 1999
(32442) Al Gore at legislative conference, Washington DC, 1999
(32441) SEIU legislative conference, Washington DC, 1999
(32440) Andy Stern at Legislative Conference, Washington DC, 1999
(32439) Legislative conference, Washington DC, 1999
(32438) Executive board meeting, NYC, 1999
(32437) Executive board meeting, NYC, 1999