Browse the Reuther's audio clips for miscellaneous radio spots, interviews, and speeches. Currently this area of the Reuther's Web site includes content from American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and Society of Women Engineers (SWE).
Nelson Jones Interview - AFSCME Memphis Local 1733 Sanitation Strike
3:50 minutes (3.52 MB)
Stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
From February to April, 1968, sanitation workers in Memphis struck to form AFSCME Local 1733. Their campaign gained national attention from civil rights leaders, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. On April 4, 1968, Dr. King was assassinated while in Memphis lending his support. On April 16, 1968, the city of Memphis settled the strike with AFSCME negotiators and agreed upon a contract. Here, striking sanitation worker Nelson Jones comments on his feelings about the strike and the union.
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- 159 plays
Nurses Unit - AFSCME Connecticut Local 1303
1:04 minutes (997.18 KB)
Stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
In October 1974, after months of unsuccessful contract negotiations, Red Cross blood drive employees, members of AFSCME Connecticut Local 1303, went out on strike. After about two months of striking, negotiators reached an agreement, and workers returned to their jobs without reprisals on December 15, 1974. The settlement won significant gains for the three Local 1303 units, Nurses, Driver Technicians, and Laboratory Technicians. During their campaign, the units recorded radio spots to raise public awareness and earn public support for their cause. This spot was done by the Nurses' Unit.
- 48 plays
Patricia and Christine Law StoryCorps Interview, Clip 1, 2007
2:01 minutes (1.89 MB)
Stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
Christine Law, an engineering student, asks her mother, Patricia Law, whether it is easier for women to enter and advance in the engineering workforce today.
This recording is Clip 1 of 3. Click on the "Law / Law Interview" link above to find all clips from the interview. Click on the "2007 StoryCorps Interviews" link above to find all audio recordings from the interviews.
This oral history interview was recorded October 26, 2007 at the Society of Women Engineers WE07 National Conference in Nashville, TN as part of StoryCorps (, a nationwide initiative of Sound Portraits Productions to record and collect oral history interviews. This excerpt was selected and produced by the SWE Archivist. Audio excerpts may be used for research and educational purposes only.
- 43 plays
Patricia and Christine Law StoryCorps Interview, Clip 2, 2007
1:25 minutes (1.34 MB)
Stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
Engineer Patricia Law tells Christine Law, her daughter and an engineering student, about a male coworker who has greatly influenced her career.
This recording is Clip 2 of 3. Click on the "Law / Law Interview" link above to find all clips from the interview. Click on the "2007 StoryCorps Interviews" link above to find all audio recordings from the interviews.
This oral history interview was recorded October 26, 2007 at the Society of Women Engineers WE07 National Conference in Nashville, TN as part of StoryCorps (, a nationwide initiative of Sound Portraits Productions to record and collect oral history interviews. This excerpt was selected and produced by the SWE Archivist. Audio excerpts may be used for research and educational purposes only.
- 36 plays
Patricia and Christine Law StoryCorps Interview, Clip 3, 2007
1:27 minutes (1.37 MB)
Stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
Engineer Patricia Law explains to Christine Law, her daughter and an engineering student, the difficulties of managing and engineering career and family.
This recording is Clip 3 of 3. Click on the "Law / Law Interview" link above to find all clips from the interview. Click on the "2007 StoryCorps Interviews" link above to find all audio recordings from the interviews.
This oral history interview was recorded October 26, 2007 at the Society of Women Engineers WE07 National Conference in Nashville, TN as part of StoryCorps (, a nationwide initiative of Sound Portraits Productions to record and collect oral history interviews. This excerpt was selected and produced by the SWE Archivist. Audio excerpts may be used for research and educational purposes only.
- 40 plays