eclemens's blog

Folklore Friday: Irish Edition

Folklore Archives, Irish

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, this Folklore Friday we focus on the legends, beliefs, and traditions of the Irish, as recorded by students for their individual field projects.  read more »

Exhibit Announcement: Wayne State University Architecture

(25582)  Campus Buildings, Residential Homes, Warren Avenue, 1930s-1940s

Wayne State enjoys one of the most distinctive campuses in the state. The development of this space, however, has been a constant challenge due to its urban setting and lack of available land. The campus we enjoy today is the result of nearly 100 years of adaptive reuse of historic structures and new construction.  read more »

Folklore Friday: New Year's Eve Edition

(22991) New Year's Eve Celebration, 1936

As 2017 draws to a close, it is time to look forward to all that is to come in the new year. This Folklore Friday we are sharing traditions and beliefs concerning New Year’s Eve. These customs are taken from student projects within the Folklore Archive that include interviews with immigrants or first-generation members of different ethnic communities throughout Southeastern Michigan, largely from Southern and Eastern Europe.  read more »

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