In response to patron feedback and a review of policies at similar institutions across the country, the Reuther Library made a change to its digital imaging policy for the reproduction of materials in the Reading Room. Patrons may now use a cell phone, tablet, or digital camera for their imaging needs. The Reuther will continue to provide digital cameras on a first come, first served basis.
The $0.25 per image fee has been replaced with a daily imaging fee of $10.00, plus tax. There is no charge to patrons taking fewer than ten images. Patrons are still responsible for recording information about the images they take on the Digital Image Request Sheet regardless of equipment used. Patrons may request publication-quality images of any material from the Reuther Library at its standard fees.
Reuther Library reference policies are listed on our Reading Room page. Please direct questions or comments about the change in policy to Kristen Chinery, Reference Archivist.
Kristen Chinery is the Reference Archivist for the Walter P. Reuther Library.
In January 2014 the Reuther received a generous donation, which could be used for any purpose as it was not dedicated to a specific account or project. After careful consideration of how to use the funds, a decision was made to update the Reading Room, the first renovation to the room since the building’s construction in 1975. The donation allowed us to purchase new furniture, to install new carpeting, to repaint the room, and to refurbish the Reading Room's reference desk. read more »
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