Conventions, Conferences, and Events (SEIU)
(11881) Eliseo Medina, Lavender Caucus, Convention, Pittsburgh, PA, 2000.
(11955) George Hardy, Local 250, Legislation
(11956) Leon Davis, SEIU/1199 Healthcare Conference, 1981
(11958) John Sweeney, Ted Kennedy, 1987
(11959) George Hardy, Peter Ottley, Local 144, 1976
(11961) George Fairchild, Local 250, California, 1955
(11963) Evelyn Walsh, Buddy Ball, Local 250, 1948
(11966) John Sweeney, SEIU/1199 Healthcare Conference, 1981
(29191) Al Gore, Executive Officers, SEIU 22nd International Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2000
(29192) Hillary Clinton and other attendees, SEIU 22nd International Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2000
(29193) Al Gore, Executive Officers, SEIU 22nd International Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2000
(29194) Al Gore, Andy Stern, SEIU 22nd International Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2000