This gallery features SEIU events, including SEIU International Conventions, Executive Board meetings and conferences with significant SEIU member attendees. Rank and file members feature prominently as do various Local and International SEIU leaders and political figures.
Curator: Alexandra Orchard
Courtesy of SEIU Collection
There are 387 images in this gallery
Last updated: Mon, 04/08/2013 - 15:03
This gallery contains photographs depicting various demonstrations, campaigns, press conferences, bill signings, and other SEIU-sponsored and affiliated activities. The photographs feature rank and file members, Local and International SEIU officers, and political figures. Strikes and campaigns such as Justice for Janitors feature prominently in this gallery.
Curator: Alexandra Orchard
Courtesy of SEIU Collection
There are 613 images in this gallery
Last updated: Mon, 12/03/2012 - 10:23
Born as the national union for janitors, SEIU has been the leading union for custodians ever since. Though the organization's professional base dramatically developed since the BSEIU era, janitors and custodians will forever be the base upon which SEIU was originally built.
There are 18 images in this gallery
Last updated: Fri, 09/20/2019 - 10:10
Photos from SEIU and BSEIU's numerous local branches
There are 2 images in this gallery
Last updated: Mon, 03/14/2016 - 10:10
SEIU began representing Chicago flat janitors in 1921 and over the years expanded its membership to workers in a variety of fields including building, public, and health care services. The images found within this gallery feature service employees at work in the industries represented by SEIU.
Curator: Alexandra Orchard
Courtesy of SEIU Collection
There are 57 images in this gallery
Last updated: Mon, 12/03/2012 - 10:47
Upon its inception in 1964, SEIU Local 535 initially represented public employees, specifically social workers. As the Local's growth spread across California, its members came to include non-profit employees, particularly nurses as well as former IJWU members. Local 535 dissolved in the mid-2000s and its members were amalgamated into various SEIU locals throughout California. This gallery primarily contains photos of SEIU Local 535 members demonstrating, campaigning, and organizing, as well as members attending events and at work.
Curator: Alexandra Orchard
Courtesy of SEIU Collection
There are 52 images in this gallery
Last updated: Mon, 04/22/2013 - 13:44
The Service Employees International Union has always sought to organize workers in a wide range of occupations. Beginning with janitors and elevator operators when it formed in 1921, SEIU soon added security guards, window cleaners, health care workers, office workers and public sector employees. By 1968, the union represented service workers in over 100 occupations around the nation. This exhibit chronicles the union’s history of organizing and the people who made it happen.
Curator: Alexandra Orchard
Courtesy of SEIU Collection
There are 13 images in this gallery
Last updated: Tue, 04/30/2013 - 16:28
The Service Employees International Union has always sought to organize workers in a wide range of occupations. Beginning with janitors and elevator operators when it formed in 1921, SEIU soon added security guards, window cleaners, health care workers, office workers and public sector employees. By 1968, the union represented service workers in over 100 occupations around the nation. This exhibit chronicles the union’s history of organizing and the people who made it happen.
Curator: Louis Jones
Designer of traveling exhibit: Camille Craycraft
Courtesy of SEIU Collection
There are 26 images in this gallery
Last updated: Tue, 04/30/2013 - 16:25