The non-manuscript holdings at the Reuther Library, also known as the Library Collection, contain more than 12,000 book and periodical titles, a substantial vertical file, published union convention proceedings and reports, union contracts and constitutions, pamphlets, and labor education materials. The collection scope includes materials related to 20th century American labor history, urban Detroit history, women in the workplace, radical organizations, and dissident union movements. Periodicals and dissertations that fall within the collection scope are regularly added to the Library Collection. Holdings in the Library Collection are non-circulating and are not available through interlibrary loan.
Bibliographic records on the secondary source holdings in the Periodicals and Publications Collection at the Walter P. Reuther Library are now available on-line. The collection includes pamphlets, newsletters, newspapers, journals, union convention proceedings, and reports, and will include both print and microfilm materials. For the first time in the Reuther’s history, researchers will have online access to an extensive list of titles from labor unions, urban organizations, and political reform groups. To access the publications content begin to browse by clicking the link provided above or by performing a search. Please note that advanced searches may be used to filter results.