October 2nd is National Custodial Workers Appreciation Day, and it’s a good time to look back at the profession that served as the foundation for the Service Employees International Union, one of the largest partners of the Walter P. Reuther Library. Originally named the Building Service Employees International Union, the union first received its charter as the union for flat janitors in America. Though SEIU has dramatically evolved over the past century, custodial workers continue to serve as one of the largest units within the union. Below are photos from Foundation of the Union: Janitors and Custodians in SEIU, a curated collection of images from the SEIU photograph collections.
Chicago and New York served as the two hubs of organizing in the early decades of the BSEIU. SEIU Historical Records and SEIU Local 1 Records chronicle these initial decades when the two locales anchored the union.
As SEIU expanded so did the influence of the custodial profession. By the sixties, SEIU had transformed janitors into a significant force within American politics, to the point that the top presidential candidates made it a priority to appeal to SEIU members. The story found within the records of SEIU Local 32 BJ, the largest American union of property service workers, illustrates this rise in prominence.
Gavin Strassel is the SEIU Archivist at the Walter P. Reuther Library