This March 29th, please join the Walter P. Reuther Library for a panel discussion to celebrate the opening of a new exhibit on loan from Michigan State University. The exhibit spotlights the voices of Latin@ workers to explore their impact on the auto industry in Michigan, drawing from photographs, oral histories, and other archival records. Panelists will discuss the contributions of Latin@ auto workers from a variety of perspectives.
Panelists include:
Cindy Estrada, Vice President, International Union, UAW
Rubén Martinez, Director, Julian Samora Research Institute, Michigan State University
Celso Duque, Trustee, UAW Local 22
Robert "Bobby" Ramirez, Bargaining Committee, UAW Local 600
March 29, 2016
Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
5401 Cass Avenue, Detroit
This event is part of the Reuther Library’s "Latino Americans: 500 Years of History" series, supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association. "Latino Americans: 500 Years of History" is part of the NEH Initiative, The Common Good: The Humanities in the Public Square.