(35065) AFSCME Headquarters, September 11 Victims, Washington, DC, 2001

AFSCME headquarters memorial to members killed by terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001:

"We will never forget the 3,003 men and women who perished on September 11, 2001, including 630 union brothers and sisters.
In a special way, we remember the members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, who lost their lives that day.
Yvette Anderson
Florence Cohen
Harry Goody
Marian Hrycak
Rev. Mychal Judge
Carlos Lillo
Chet Louie
Ricardo Quinn
Dorothy Temple
The 1.3 million working men and women of AFSCME salute those who helped in the rescue and recovery efforts. These heroes keep our union strong."

(35065) AFSCME Headquarters, September 11 Victims, Washington, DC, 2001