This image appeared in the October 1964 issue of AFSCME's Public Employee magazine with the caption:
“Labor Day in Panama: Armed Forces Employees Local 907, and Company/Government Employees Local 900, in Panama, came up with one of the best ideas we’ve heard of for marking Labor Day. The two AFSCME locals got together and decided to present a Labor Day award to the first baby born on Labor Day in the Canal Zone. George Caesar, president of Local 907, at right, looks on as members of the locals present a cake to the mother of the first little arrival. Saturnin Maugé is president of Local 900. The two AFSCME unions represent nearly 5000 workers employed by the three branches of the US Armed Forces and the Canal Zone Company/Government. William Sinclair, AFSCME representative in the Canal Zone who is coordinating the two locals’ organizing campaigns, reported that they should be over the 5000 mark by mid-November.”