This image appeared in the December 1969 issue of AFSCME’s Public Employee magazine with the caption: A special committee to study financial operation of the union met in International headquarters last month. The committee members, from left, are Norm Schut, executive director, Council 28, Olympia, Wash.; Kenneth Dixon, president, Local 1550, Houston; Arthur Tibaldi, treasurer, Council 37, New York City; John Wethington, president, Local 410, St. Louis; Joseph Bolt, director, Council 62, Indianapolis; AFSCME President Jerry Wurf; Ernest Crofoot, director, Council 67, Baltimore; AFSCME Business Manager James O'Malley; AFSCME Secretary- Treasurer Joseph L. Ames; Jack Merkel, executive director, Council 1, Trenton, N.J.; Thomas J. King, legal and contract analyst, Council 24, Madison, Wis.; Ellis Farrar, president, Local 1497, Detroit; George Hammond, executive director, Council 9, Missoula, Mont.; Howard V. Doyle, president and executive director, Council 41, Boston, and Mrs. Carmen Mendoza, executive director, Council 19, Chicago.