The Reuther Library is very excited to announce the opening of the UAW Publications, a massive archival resource combining various serials and other types of printed materials from the UAW. The UAW has been putting out publications at its various levels since its earliest years, and these printed materials have been an essential part of the union’s strategy for communicating to members and the general public. Their first primary newspaper was the United Automobile Worker (later renamed Solidarity), and the union has seen hundreds of local publications published by locals and regional offices across the United States and Canada. These publications run the gamut from newspapers assembled by a large, dedicated staff to one-sheet newsletters produced by a single, non-professional journalist. No matter the differences, they have played a crucial role in the UAW fulfilling its mission
The UAW Publications include publications from the international union, its various departments, UAW locals, regions; various types of serials, both ongoing and out-of-print; publications for specific events such as conventions and trainings; official and less formal publications; and a large collection of bound union publications.
Though I combined these various publications into a single collection, each one was previously processed, worked on by dozens of archivist, the results of their blood, sweat, and tears over the course of six decades.
Gavin Strassel is the UAW Archivist at the Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs.