In Memoriam: William "Bill" Lucy

(47134) William "Bill" Lucy

The staff of the Reuther Library is saddened by the passing of long-time AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer and Coalition of Black Trade Unionists co-founder, William “Bill” Lucy. He passed away September 24, 2024 at the age of 90.

Lucy grew up in Memphis, Tennessee and Richmond, California. He worked for Contra Costa County, CA, where he joined with his coworkers to form an AFSCME local in 1956. He later became the local’s president. AFSCME International president Jerry Wurf recognized Lucy as a rising star and invited him to work at AFSCME headquarters in 1966. In 1972, Lucy became AFSCME’s Secretary-Treasurer, the International’s second in command spot. He held that office for 38 years before retiring.  read more »

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