Library Collection

The non-manuscript holdings at the Reuther Library, also known as the Library Collection, contain more than 12,000 book and periodical titles, a substantial vertical file, published union convention proceedings and reports, union contracts and constitutions, pamphlets, and labor education materials.

Please contact Kristen Chinery, Reference Archivist, for more information.

The White CompanyThe Sandbag
Trade Union Educational LeagueLabor Herald Library
Trade Union Leadership Council (TULC)The Vanguard
Trades Union CongressLabour
Trans World Airlines (TWA)Flight Forum
Trans World Airlines (TWA)Skyliner
Trans World Airlines (TWA)The Lancet
Trans World Airlines (TWA)TWA Flite Facts
Translaters and Interpreters Guild of MassachusettsVoice
Transport Workers Union of America (TWUA)Convention Proceedings
Transport Workers Union of America (TWUA)TWU Express Monthly
Transport Workers Union of America (TWUA)TWUA Bulletin
Transportation Communications Union (TCU)Interchange
Transportation Communications Union (TCU)Winning Edge
Trusteeship InstituteWorking Papers
U.S. Department of LaborFarm Labor Developments
Union for Radical Political EconomicsDollars & Sense
Union Labor Publishing CompanyRacine Labor
Union of Needletrades, Industrial & Textile Employees (UNITE)Unite!
Union of Needletrades, Industrial & Textile Employees (UNITE), Chicago and Central States BoardLabor Times
United Association for Labor Education (UALE)Labor Studies Journal
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting IndustryUnited Association Journal
United Automobile Workers (UAW)Dodge Workers Speak
United Automobile Workers (UAW)Eldon Sparks
United Automobile Workers (UAW)Eldon Wildcat
United Automobile Workers (UAW)Plant Gate News
United Automobile Workers (UAW)Skill
United Automobile Workers (UAW)Solidarity
United Automobile Workers (UAW)Solidarity Canada
United Automobile Workers (UAW)Technical Office Professionals, National Committee on Pay Equality
United Automobile Workers (UAW)The American Guardian
United Automobile Workers (UAW)UAW Administrative Letter
United Automobile Workers (UAW)UAW Arbitration Services News Notes
United Automobile Workers (UAW)UAW Constitutional Convention Materials
United Automobile Workers (UAW)UAW Constitutional Convention Proceedings
United Automobile Workers (UAW)UAW Constitutional Convention, Presidents Reports
United Automobile Workers (UAW)UAW Constitutional Convention, Proposed Resolutions
United Automobile Workers (UAW)UAW Constitutional Convention, Proposed Resolutions - Special Convention
United Automobile Workers (UAW)UAW Constitutional Convention, Resolution Committee
United Automobile Workers (UAW)UAW Constitutional Convention, Resolutions
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