Library Collection

The non-manuscript holdings at the Reuther Library, also known as the Library Collection, contain more than 12,000 book and periodical titles, a substantial vertical file, published union convention proceedings and reports, union contracts and constitutions, pamphlets, and labor education materials.

Please contact Kristen Chinery, Reference Archivist, for more information.

Association of Catholic Trade Unionists (ACTU)Labor Leader
Association of Catholic Trade Unionists (ACTU)Wage Earner
Association of Catholic Trade Unionists (ACTU), Detroit ChapterThe Michigan Labor Leader
Association of Flight Attendants (AFA)AFA Newsletter
Association of Flight Attendants (AFA)Flightlog
Association of Flight Attendants (AFA)Fly Trap
Association of Flight Attendants (AFA)Pipeline
August 29th Movement (Marxist-Leninist)Revolutionary Cause
August Twenty-ninth MovementGetting Together
Auto Workers Industrial Union of CanadaAuto Workers' Life
Auto Workers Union (AWU)Auto Workers News (formerly The Auto Worker)
Auto Workers Union (AWU)Convention Proceedings, Auto Workers Union
Black Panther PartyThe Black Panther
Black Workers for JusticeJustice Speaks
Boot and Shoe Workers' UnionShoe Workers' Journal
Boyle, Ed (editor)Krebs Banner
Boyle, Ed (editor)Oklahoma Miner
Boyle, Ed (editor)Pittsburgh Enterprise
Brewer, George D. and Sears, W.T.The Worker's Chronicle
Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers International Union of AmericaBricklayer, Mason and Plasterer
Brookwood Labor College, Students and FacultyThe Brookwood Review
Brookwood Labor College, Students and FacultyThe Brookwood Review
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes (BMWE)Constitutions and Bylaws, Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes (BMWE)Convention Proceedings, Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division, International Brotherhood of Teamsters (BMWED/IBT)BMWED Journal
Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of AmericaPainter and Decorator
Brotherhood of Railroad TrainmenRailroad Trainman
Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of AmericaConvention Proceedings, Brotherhood of Railway Carmen
Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station EmployeesBrotherhood of Railway Clerks Bulletin
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car PortersConvention Proceedings, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car PortersThe Black Worker
Building and Construction Trades Council of Santa Clara County, Central Labor Council of Santa Clara CountyUnion Gazette
Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.Fair Employment Practice Cases
Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.War Labor Reports
Butcher Workman Educational and Benevolent AssociationThe Butcher Workman
California CIO Council, Northern California DivisionThe Labor Herald
California CIO Council, Southern California DivisionThe CIO Industrial Unionist
California Labor Federation, AFL-CIOCalifornia AFL-CIO News
Cambridge University Press (publisher)International Labor and Working Class History
Canadian Auto Workers (CAW)The Guardian
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