Library Collection

The non-manuscript holdings at the Reuther Library, also known as the Library Collection, contain more than 12,000 book and periodical titles, a substantial vertical file, published union convention proceedings and reports, union contracts and constitutions, pamphlets, and labor education materials.

Please contact Kristen Chinery, Reference Archivist, for more information.

Communist Party, October LeagueThe Call
Communist Party, U.S.A., Hudson UnitThe Hudson Worker
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)California CIO News
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)CIO Councilor
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)CIO News
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)CIO Pamphlets
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)Cleveland Union Leader
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)Committee Publications
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)Conference on Labor Law
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)Convention Proceedings
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)Presidential Reports
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)Publications, A-Z
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)State Councils, Constitutions and By-laws
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)Union Service News
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Community Services CommitteeCommunity Services Committee Publications
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Education and Research DepartmentEconomic Outlook
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Education and Research DepartmentEducation Manuals
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Education and Research DepartmentTraining Manuals, Pamphlets A-Z
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), European OfficeEuropean Office Publications
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Executive BoardMinutes of the Executive Board of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1935-1955
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), International CommitteeWorld Affairs
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Legislative DepartmentLegislative Department Publications
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Political Action CommitteePolitical Action Committee Publications
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Publicity DepartmentRadio Program Notes and News
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), War Relief CommitteeWar Relief Committee Publications
Consumers Union of the United StatesBread and Butter
Coopers International Union of North AmericaCoopers International Journal
Correspondence Publishing CompanyCorrespondence
Coughlin, Father Charles E. Social Justice
Council on Employee Responsibilities and RightsEmployee Responsibilities and Rights
Council on Employee Responsibilities and RightsEmployee Responsibilities and Rights Journal
Dallas Trades Assembly, Dallas Central Labor Council, Socialist Party of Texas - Local 36The Laborer: A Journal of the Working Class
Democratic Socialist Organizing CommitteeDemocratic Left Newsletter
Democratic Socialists of AmericaDSA Detroit
Detroit & Wayne County Tool & Die CouncilTool, Die & Engineering News
Detroit and Wayne County Federation of LaborConstitutions and By-laws, Pamphlets
Detroit Bar AssociationThe Detroit Lawyer
Detroit Board of CommerceDetroiter
Detroit Bureau of Governmental Research, Inc.The Negro in Detroit
Detroit College of Medicine and SurgeryJournal of the Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery
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