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(31989) Natalia Trotsky, Frida Kahlo, Mexico, 1937-1938
(31988) Leon and Natalia Trotsky, Frida Kahlo, Mexico, 1937-1938
(31987) Trotsky, Hansen, Heijenoort, Dunayevskaya, Mexico, 1938
(31986) Trotsky, Hansen, Heijenoort, Dunayevskaya, Mexico, 1938
(32006) Viola Liuzzo, Family, 1965
(32005) Viola Liuzzo, Family, Detroit, 1961
(32004) Viola Liuzzo, Funeral, Family, Detroit, 1965
(32002) Viola Liuzzo, Funeral, Mourners, Detroit, 1965
(32001) Martin Luther King, Jr., Viola Liuzzo Funeral, Detroit, 1965
(32000) Governor George Romney, Anthony Liuzzo, Detroit, 1965
International Socialists Records
Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees Union Local 24 Records
Nelson Mandela, AFSCME, and Detroit in 1990
In Memoriam: Casey Kasem, 1932-2014
Casey Kasem on Wayne State University billboard, 1980s
Casey Kasem speaking at Wayne State University, 1980s
Casey Kasem speaking at podium, 1980s
Casey Kasem speaking to reporters, 1980s
Gallery Announcement: UFW Posters, 1960s-1980s
Wayne State University Assistant Vice President for Business Records
Marshall A. Wheatley Papers
Ira H. Butterfield Papers
(31949) SEIU Local 29 Pittsburgh Lockout, Tenant Support Picket, 1985
(31946) SEIU Local 29 Members, Pittsburgh Lockout, 1985
(31947) SEIU Local 29 Strike, Tenant Support, 1985
(31950) Demonstrators, SEIU Local 29 Lockout, Pittsburgh, PA, 1985
(31951) SEIU Local 29 Lockout, Pittsburgh, PA, 1985
(31952) SEIU Local 29 Demonstration, 1985
(31944) SEIU Local 29 Mellon Bank Strike, 1985
(31945) SEIU Local 29 Lockout, Pittsburgh, PA, 1985