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(4958) Byron Kitto, Portrait, Undated
(4955) Studio Portrait, Byron Kitto, Vallejo, California, 1900s
(4951) Strikes, Violence, Maritime Workers, John Kane, Houston, 1936
(4944) Children, Organizing, Junior Wobblies, Cleveland, 1920s-1930s
(4941) Portrait, Ben Legere, 1910s-1920s
(4945) Children, Organizing, Junior Wobblies, 1920s
(4952) Strikes, Violence, Maritime Workers, John Kane, Houston, 1936
(4949) Ethnic Groups, IWW Members, Italians, Undated
(4943) Children, Organizing, Junior Wobblies, 1920s
(4947) Unemployment, General Charles,Kelly, San Francisco, 1914
(4954) Strikes, Violence, Maritime Workers, John Kane, Houston, 1936
(30988) Award, JETS, 1964
(4934) IWW Picnics, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1910s
(4924) Demonstrations and Boycotts, San Francisco, 1990s
(4930) Pickets, "The EndUp," San Francisco, 1992
(4922) Boycotts and Demonstrations, 1990s
(4916) Idaho Lumber Strike, Scabs, Benefits Card, 1930s
(4933) Halls, Houston, Texas, 1930s-1940s
(4921) Boycotts and demonstrations, 1990s
(4931) IWW Meetings, Entertainment, Jerry Dymny "Smokey George,"1990s
(4923) Demonstrations, Free Speech, LGBTQ Rights, San Francisco, 1992
(4932) Buildings and Halls, Marine Transport Workers Industrial Union 510, 1990s
(4925) IWW Meetings, 1909
(4915) Idaho Lumber Strike, Pickets, Scabs, Undated
(4914) Idaho Lumber Strike, Violence, Stamps
(4910) Strikes, Violence, Homestead Strike, Pennsylvania, 1919
(30987) SWE Awards, JETS Exposition, 1964
(30986) Solid State Switching Exhibit, JETS, 1964
(30984) Computer Exhibit, JETS, 1964
(30978) "Keeping in Orbit Mathematically" JETS Exhibit, 1964