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(30565) Local 660, National Secretary Day, 1991
(30551) International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers Local 7 Member, Chicago, Illinois, 1995
(30547) Member, Local 679, Justice for Janitors
(30541) Healthcare Workers, Train the Trainer Session, Washington, D.C., 1994
(30557) Ted Canavaro, Local 9, Pro-Union Presentation
(30559) Attendees, Union Industries Show, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1948
(30561) Members, Chicago and North Western Train
(30538) Local 660, Event, 1994
(30552) Local 679, Education
(30558) William McFetridge, Union Industries Show, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1948
(30560) Union Industries Show, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1948
(30550) Campaign for Justice Rally, San Fernando Drive, 1994
(30554) Local 399, Third LA Trial Sit-In, Los Angeles California, 1993
(30562) Locals 32B-32J and 144, Home Attendants, Rally, 1981
(30546) Local 204, Strike, 1996
(30549) Campaign for Justice Rally, 1994
(30553) Local 503, Rally, Portland, Oregon, 1990
(30555) District 1199 NE, Rally, Hartford, Connecticut, 1992
(30566) Local 204, Protest, Ottawa, 1980
(30548) Local 790, Protest, Oakalnd, California
(30539) Local 660, Save Our Libraries Protest, 1994
(30542) Local 285 Rally, Nursing Home Blitz, 1992
(30544) Local 285, Rally
(30537) NFL Strike, Local 679, 1987
(30540) Rally, New York City, 1991
(30543) Local 285 Rally, 1992
(30545) Local 1877, Justice for Janitors Rally
(30536) Demonstration Signs
(30578) Local 1877 Security Officers March, Jesse Jackson, Los Angeles, CA, 2003
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