(79795) Ethnic Communities, Arab, Lebanese, 1989 |
(79793) Ethnic Communities, Sebian, Dance, 1945 |
(77772) Ethnic Communities, Belgian, World War I, Parade, c. 1918 |
(79802) Ethnic Communities, Arab, Businesses, 1982 |
(79767) Ethnic Communities, Chaldean, Businesses, 1993 |
(79805) Ethnic Communities, Arab, Businesses, 1977 |
AFSCME Local 1259: Detroit Public Library Records |
Detroit's Corktown Neighborhood |
Exhibit Announcement: Bonstelle Theatre Posters, 1961-1965 |
Pat Ford Speech: Coalition of Labor Union Women 30th Anniversary Luncheon, 2004 [Draft] |
Pat Ford Speech: International Labor Leaders' Breakfast: Where Do We Go From Here, 2004 |
Pat Ford Speech: Southern Regional Conference, 2003 |
Pat Ford Speech: Coalition of Labor Union Women 30th Anniversary Luncheon, 2004 |
Pat Ford Speech: Breaking Down Barriers to Equality: Affirmative Action is Just the Beginning, 2003 |
Pat Ford Speech: Breaking Down Barriers to Equality: Affirmative Action is Just the Beginning, 2003 |
Pat Ford Speech: Voucher and Political Action Speech, 2003 |
Pat Ford Speech: SEIU Eastern Region Social and Economic Justice, 2002 |
Pat Ford Speech: Black and Brown Unity/National Coalition on Black Voter Participation: Beyond Black and White: An Open Dialogue with Black and Latino Leaders, 2003 |
Pat Ford Speech: Health Security for All, 2002 |
Pat Ford Speech: SEIU International Convention Farewell, 2004 |
Pat Ford Speech: Black and Brown Unity/Immigration Reform: Our Brother's and Sister's Keeper, 2003 |
Pat Ford Speech: National Organizing Convention, 2003 |
Pat Ford Speech: National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL) Legislative Conference, 2002 |
Pat Ford Speech: NAACP Tennessee Statewide Branch, 2003 |
Pat Ford Speech: NAACP Florida Statewide Brach, 2003 |
Pat Ford Speech: NAACP Detroit Statewide Branch, 2005 |
Pat Ford Speech: Difficult Days Ahead, 2004 |
Pat Ford Speech: Member Political Action Conference, 2003 |
Pat Ford Speech: March on Washington, 2003 |
Pat Ford Speech: Remarks at the International Symposium on Social Welfare Services and Status of Workers Concerned |