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(79795) Ethnic Communities, Arab, Lebanese, 1989
(79793) Ethnic Communities, Sebian, Dance, 1945
(77772) Ethnic Communities, Belgian, World War I, Parade, c. 1918
(79802) Ethnic Communities, Arab, Businesses, 1982
(79767) Ethnic Communities, Chaldean, Businesses, 1993
(79805) Ethnic Communities, Arab, Businesses, 1977
AFSCME Local 1259: Detroit Public Library Records
Detroit's Corktown Neighborhood
Exhibit Announcement: Bonstelle Theatre Posters, 1961-1965
Pat Ford Speech: Coalition of Labor Union Women 30th Anniversary Luncheon, 2004 [Draft]
Pat Ford Speech: International Labor Leaders' Breakfast: Where Do We Go From Here, 2004
Pat Ford Speech: Southern Regional Conference, 2003
Pat Ford Speech: Coalition of Labor Union Women 30th Anniversary Luncheon, 2004
Pat Ford Speech: Breaking Down Barriers to Equality: Affirmative Action is Just the Beginning, 2003
Pat Ford Speech: Breaking Down Barriers to Equality: Affirmative Action is Just the Beginning, 2003
Pat Ford Speech: Voucher and Political Action Speech, 2003
Pat Ford Speech: SEIU Eastern Region Social and Economic Justice, 2002
Pat Ford Speech: Black and Brown Unity/National Coalition on Black Voter Participation: Beyond Black and White: An Open Dialogue with Black and Latino Leaders, 2003
Pat Ford Speech: Health Security for All, 2002
Pat Ford Speech: SEIU International Convention Farewell, 2004
Pat Ford Speech: Black and Brown Unity/Immigration Reform: Our Brother's and Sister's Keeper, 2003
Pat Ford Speech: National Organizing Convention, 2003
Pat Ford Speech: National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL) Legislative Conference, 2002
Pat Ford Speech: NAACP Tennessee Statewide Branch, 2003
Pat Ford Speech: NAACP Florida Statewide Brach, 2003
Pat Ford Speech: NAACP Detroit Statewide Branch, 2005
Pat Ford Speech: Difficult Days Ahead, 2004
Pat Ford Speech: Member Political Action Conference, 2003
Pat Ford Speech: March on Washington, 2003
Pat Ford Speech: Remarks at the International Symposium on Social Welfare Services and Status of Workers Concerned