(30441) SEIU Local 535 Affiliates |
(30448) Local 535 Social Workers Union Rally |
(30439) SEIU Locals 250, 535, and 616, Alameda County Strike |
(30446) Black Tie Demonstration, Oakland, California |
(30437) SEIU Local 535 Red Cross Stewards |
(30453) Stewards Training Session |
(30444) Public Employees Have Rights Too, SEIU Locals 535, and 390 Protest |
(30451) Beth Garfield, Chief Counsel, Stewards Training |
(30442) SEIU Local 535 Kaiser Permanent Staff |
(30449) SEIU Locals 535, 250, and 390 Rally for Better Pay, Alameda County, California |
(30440) SEIU Locals 535 and 390, Social Workers Protest for a Contract |
(30431) Kaiser Nurses, John Sweeney, SEIU RN Organizing Program, Washington, D.C., 1982 |
(30429) 5th Annual SEIU Women's Conference, California |
(30436) SEIU Locals 535 and 250 Strike |
(30427) Serra Registered Nurses Bargaining Team |
(30434) Demonstration Against Beverly Manor, California |
(30425) Demonstrators, Solidarity Day, California, 1984 |
(30432) Richard Cordtz, Bill Clinton, and John Sweeney, SEIU Executive Board Meeting |
(30423) Solidarity Day Demonstration, California, 1984 |
(30430) Death of Social Services, California, 1982 |
(30428) Dick Gephardt, Richard Cordtz, Walter Mondale, John Sweeney, SEIU Event |
(30435) SEIU Strike, Beverly Manor, California |
(30426) Unionist of the Year Dinner, Washington, D.C., 1985 |
(30433) SEIU Women |
(30424) SEIU Local 399 Members, Solidarity Day, California, 1984 |
(30415) SEIU Local 535 Protesters, Los Angeles |
(30422) Volunteer Making Phone Call, Vote No on D Campaign, California, 1986 |
(30413) Save Our Services, Executive Board Meeting, 1988 |
(30420) Tim Twomey, Rosemary Trump, Andy Stern, Meeting |
(30411) Vote No on D Campaign, San Francisco, 1986 |