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(30441) SEIU Local 535 Affiliates
(30448) Local 535 Social Workers Union Rally
(30439) SEIU Locals 250, 535, and 616, Alameda County Strike
(30446) Black Tie Demonstration, Oakland, California
(30437) SEIU Local 535 Red Cross Stewards
(30453) Stewards Training Session
(30444) Public Employees Have Rights Too, SEIU Locals 535, and 390 Protest
(30451) Beth Garfield, Chief Counsel, Stewards Training
(30442) SEIU Local 535 Kaiser Permanent Staff
(30449) SEIU Locals 535, 250, and 390 Rally for Better Pay, Alameda County, California
(30440) SEIU Locals 535 and 390, Social Workers Protest for a Contract
(30431) Kaiser Nurses, John Sweeney, SEIU RN Organizing Program, Washington, D.C., 1982
(30429) 5th Annual SEIU Women's Conference, California
(30436) SEIU Locals 535 and 250 Strike
(30427) Serra Registered Nurses Bargaining Team
(30434) Demonstration Against Beverly Manor, California
(30425) Demonstrators, Solidarity Day, California, 1984
(30432) Richard Cordtz, Bill Clinton, and John Sweeney, SEIU Executive Board Meeting
(30423) Solidarity Day Demonstration, California, 1984
(30430) Death of Social Services, California, 1982
(30428) Dick Gephardt, Richard Cordtz, Walter Mondale, John Sweeney, SEIU Event
(30435) SEIU Strike, Beverly Manor, California
(30426) Unionist of the Year Dinner, Washington, D.C., 1985
(30433) SEIU Women
(30424) SEIU Local 399 Members, Solidarity Day, California, 1984
(30415) SEIU Local 535 Protesters, Los Angeles
(30422) Volunteer Making Phone Call, Vote No on D Campaign, California, 1986
(30413) Save Our Services, Executive Board Meeting, 1988
(30420) Tim Twomey, Rosemary Trump, Andy Stern, Meeting
(30411) Vote No on D Campaign, San Francisco, 1986