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(398) Lawrence Strike, Strikers, 1912
(396) Lawrence Strike, Strikers, 1912
(4979) Lawrence Strike, National Guard, 1912
(4965) Lawrence Strike, State Militia, National Guard, 1912
(397) Lawrence Strike, Strikers, 1912
(26674) Lawrence Strike, Children, Organizers, 1912
(27804) Lawrence Strike, Strikers, 1912
(4968) Lawrence Strike, Strikers, 1912
(4969) Lawrence Strike, Organizers, 1912
(27816) Carl Megel speaking at the 1982 AFT Convention
(27815) Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) speaking at the 1982 AFT Convention
(4966) IWW, Lawrence Strike, Ettor, 1912
(27814) AFT President Albert Shanker being questioned by the media
(27813) Mayor Ed Koch
(27803) IWW, Lawrence Strike, Ettor, 1912
(4978) IWW, Lawrence Strike, Ettor & Giovannitti, 1912
(4973) IWW, Lawrence Strike, Ettor, Giovannitti, 1912
(27812) Rev. Ernest Gibson Receives the AFT Human Rights Award
(27811) Rev. Ernest Gibson recieves the Human Rights Award
(27810) Bayard Rustin
(27809) Charlie Cogen and Sandra Feldman
(4976) IWW, Lawrence Strike, Illustrations, Violence, 1912
(4978) IWW, Lawrence Strike, Illustrations, Ettor & Giovannittii, 1912
(4978) IWW, Lawrence Strike, Illustrations, Wool Trust, 1912
(4974) IWW, Lawrence Strike, Illustrations, Child Labor, 1912
(27808) AFT President Albert Shanker, Senator Ted Kennedy, 1980 AFT Convention
(27807) President Jimmy Carter and AFT President Albert Shanker
(27806) Albert Shanker speaking at the 1980 AFT Convention
(27805) IWW, Lawrence Strike, Demonstration, Ettor, Giovannitti, 1912
Subject Focus: D-Day for Wayne State Football