(27944) Equal Rights Amendment rally |
(27943) Equal Rights Amendment rally |
(27942) Equal Rights Amendment rally |
(27941) Equal Rights Amendment rally |
(27940) Economic recovery program |
(27939) Election night |
(27938) Election night |
(27937) AFSCME Get Out the Vote |
(27936) DNC Mid-Term Conference |
(27935) DNC Mid-Term Conference |
(27934) DNC Mid-Term Conference |
(27933) Corrections Employees Advisory Committee |
(27932) Prison Privatization |
(27931) National Corrections Conference |
(37198) UFW, Staff, Orendain, Itlion, Huerta, Chavez, Delano, 1969 |
(27876) UFW, Staff, Orendain, Chavez, Delano, 1969 |
(27930) AFL-CIO Convention |
(27929) AFL-CIO Convention |
(27928) Pass the Bucks press conference |
(27950) Congressional Testimony |
(27927) Congressional Testimony |
(27926) Congressional Testimony |
(27925) Congressional Testimony |
(27924) Congressional Testimony |
(27923) Congressional Testimony |
(27922) Congressional Testimony |
(27921) Congressional Testimony |
(27920) Connecticut legislature testimony |
(27919) Ciampa Scholarship |
(27918) Government negotiating conference |