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(25542) Frank Rici
Dolores Huerta Papers
Collection Spotlight: Robert F. Kennedy and the UFW
News from Wayne State University
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Wayne State University Faculty Newsletters
(Part Two) Martin Luther King, Jr., "Walk to Freedom," Detroit, 1963
(Part One) Martin Luther King, Jr., "Walk to Freedom," Detroit, 1963
(25360) Dorthy Matheney, Toledo Federation of Teachers, Local 250, AFT
(25359) Sylvia Salomon, Toledo Federation of Teachers, Local 250, AFT
(25358) Ruth Brown, Toledo Federation of Teachers, Local 250, AFT
(25357) Vernon Bryant, Toledo Federation of Teachers, Local 250, AFT
(25356) Teacher Strike, Detroit Federation of Teachers, Local 231, AFT
(25355) Jessie Baxter, Arthur Elder, and Antonia Kolar, Detroit Federation of Teachers, Local 231, AFT
(25344) Picket Lines, Detroit Federation of Teachers, Local 231, AFT
(001) UAW Organizing, Reuther, Frankensteen, Battle of the Overpass, 1937
(11621) UAW Organizing, Battle of the Overpass, Dearborn, 1937
(25231) UAW Organizing, Women's Auxiliary, Battle of the Overpass, 1937
(8744) UAW Organizing, Reuther, Frankensteen, Battle of the Overpass, 1937
(8747) UAW Organizing, Violence, Battle of the Overpass, Dearborn, 1937
(25229) UAW Organizing, Violence, Battle of the Overpass, Dearborn, 1937
(25228) UAW Organizing, Violence, Battle of the Overpass, Dearborn, 1937
(1190) UAW Organizing, Violence, Battle of the Overpass, 1937
(8748) UAW Organizing, Violence, Battle of the Overpass, Dearborn, 1937
(11719) UAW Organizing, Violence, Battle of the Overpass, Dearborn, 1937
(25225) UAW Organizing, Violence, Battle of the Overpass, Dearborn, 1937
(25223) UAW Organizing, Violence, Battle of the Overpass, Dearborn, 1937
(25227) UAW Organizing, Violence, Battle of the Overpass, Dearborn, 1937
(25226) UAW Organizing, Violence, Battle of the Overpass, Dearborn, 1937